Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Helpful Tip!

Hello Families! I hope everyone had an awesome weekend. I know I sure did. My little guy and I took a visit to Lego Land with some close friends and family. We had a ball... or would it  be a block? Whichever, we had fun! If you ever get a chance to visit I would definitely recommend it. We had a group of kiddos that ranged from 4-7 and they all had a great time. Pictures to come later :)

On to the helpful tip-
Last week we began our weekly math fact practice for both addition and subtraction. The 2nd grade expectation is that students will be able to add and subtract within 20 without the use of any manipulatives (including fingers) by the end of second grade. The long term goal is that students will be able to complete 40 problems in just 80 seconds. That adds up to only 2 seconds per problem, which can seem quite daunting at first. However, we have discussed that our goal is to reach 40 problems in 80 seconds by the end of the year, and that their short term goal is to beat their own personal best each week.

***The time and the number of problems is based on a district commitees evaluation of research by Dr. Hasseslbring and Dr. Crawford.***  

So how can you help... here are some tips to help your student reach their goal.
  • Practice with your child each and every night on their math facts for at least 5 minutes using either store bought flashcards or if you click the resource link above, their will be a link to a set of addition facts that you can print and cut.
  • Create math fact games to play with your child, such as who can get the most math facts correct using flash cards.
  • Play beat the parent. Set a timer for 80 seconds and see who can complete the most math facts in that time. ( Resource link above will have a link to a website where you can create math fact sheets.)
  • Most importantly as you can see by my above suggestions, make it FUN!!!

P.S. I will be out of the building on Saptember 26th and 27th; however, I will still be able to respond to emails if you have questions or concerns. Thanks!

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