Thursday, September 13, 2012

Classroom Snapshot!

Dear Families,
Students had an awesome day today, it has been awesome working with such a great group of second graders! Here are a few things we did tday.

Today we...
  • Learned how to make 10 to add 8, Lesson 2.7.
  • Talked about having a purpose and audience in mind we begin planning a new piece of writing.
  •  In shared reading we discussed setting short term reading goals. Make sure to ask you child what their short term reading goals are.
  • Continued working on building and maintaining stamina during our daily 5. So far we have reached our goal of 20 minutes of read to self, 11 minutes of working on writing, and 10 minutes of read to someone! Students are truly rocking and rolling, we will begin introducing our final two daily 5 routine next week!
  • discussed citizen's rights in Social Studies. We learned that Rights means things that we are free to do. Students shared with their teams rights they have in school. We have such good citizens in room 005 because they came up with such great ideas such as...
    • We have the right to not be bullied
    • We have the right to learn
    • We have the right to stand up to a bully, and tell them to stop.
    • We have the right to be respected.
  • Also went to the library where Mrs. Starkman read us an awesome book called we are going on a book hunt. It was all about library behaviors and how to check out a book. Students truly enjoyed being able to join Mrs. Starman in reading!
Here are a couple of reminders:
  •  Art Shirts Tomorrow!
  • Parent University R.S.V.P.
 That's about it families! Cannot wait to see your little ones tomorrow!

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