Thursday, September 20, 2012

Classroom Snapshot!

Hello Parents!! Even though it has only been a week I have so missed posting here! Therefore, this will be a pretty heavy post because I have just so much to share and a few reminders.

This week we...

  • finished up our unit on addition strategies, and began our unit on subtraction strategies. Today we talked about how our addition doubles facts can help us with subtraction.
  • read the book Rashee and the Seven Elephants, which was a hilarious story about a little boy who was given the weighty responsibility of leading Seven Elephants to his uncle's house. Well,  unfortunately along the way Rashee kept "losing" one of the elephants and had to frantically **(vocabulary word we emphasized, see if your student remembers the meaning)** search for the elephant. Luckily, when Rashee would get off the elephant to search for him he always found him . When he arrived at his uncle's house, Rashee told his uncle all about it. His uncle discovered that Rashee had never really lost the elephant, but when he counted the Elephants he always forgot to count the one that he was riding! The students got a big kick out of the ending! Students also had  fun  using this book to check and confirm predictions, which was our focus. It is pretty safe to say that no one knew that was going to be our ending!
  • discussed our rights as citizens in both our neighborhoods and nation students had great ideas of the rights we have as citizens in these communities. Today, we watched a movie to wrap up our ideas about our rights and responsibilities as citizens. 
  • began our routines of word study. Students have been very respectful and working so hard as I take small groups to give differentiated word study instruction. I just cannot express how proud I am that they are being so respectful and responsible.
  • finished introducing all our daily 5routines! Hooray! Students have been so awesome! Below are the pictures I took of students, while they learned about the laptops we will be using during listening to reading. They were so excited!!
  • It is not too late to express interest in our Parent University Technology Night, if you are interested in coming please just send in a note or return the form to school!
  • Don't forget to support our blood walk! If you are interested in raising money towards hemophilia please do so using the envelope students brought home a week ago. Regardless, students will be showing their support during their participation in the walk during P.E. and Health classes. 
  • If you are a dad, grandfather, uncle of a great student, you may be interested in coming to our WatchD.O.G. Kick Off ! Reminders were sent home today, if you would like to come to the kick off please fill out the form so that  we can have a close to accurate count to accommodate all with food and beverages. 
  • In our social studies curriculum we are learning all about communities. Therefore, if you are a community worker we are very interested in you coming in and speaking to our class about your job. I am looking to schedule families the week of October 1st, if this time works for you please let me know , we would love to have you. 
  • Notices went home this Tuesday about Mystery Readers. If you are interested in being a mystery reader please sign up either by the link above, or you can return the form with your availability! Hope to see you!
Cool Moments From Last Week:
  • We began our Second Step program with Mrs. Dassinger and it went great! During this time she reviewed listening skills. Students had a wonderful time sharing this time with Mrs. Weber's class as well.
  • Cassandra was our star student and our class thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all about her and her growing family. 
  • We changed our seats and met our new teammates. However, before leaving our old teammates we wrote sweet goodbye notes to our former teammates. 
Phew!!! I made it and thank you for also making it through this long winded post. I promise it won't be so long next time!

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