Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Classroom Snapshot and Reminders

Hi Families!

I hope everyone had a great weekend. My weekend was o.k. except I came down with something, which bums me out because that meant I had a day away from the kiddos today. I hope everything went smoothly with out me. :-)

This week is a very exciting week filled with all kinds of fun. Here are just a few things that are taking place at Grand Prairie this week.

  • Monday- Friday we are celebrating Red Ribbon Week school wide. Here a few things you will want to keep track of as we celebrate this week. 
    • Monday- Healthy Living is No Sweat: Wear your Work Out Clothes
    • Tuesday- Follow your dreams: Wear your Pajamas
    • Wednesday- Color my World Healthy: Wear Bright Colors or Tie Dye. 
    • Thursday- Team Up For Healthy Living: Wear Sports Gear
    • Friday- Live Heart Healthy- Wear Red.
    • All Week wear your red ribbons to school
  • As most of you probably know this Wednesday we will be having our Fall Festival. Here are a couple reminders regarding the Fall Festival:
    • No weapons or blood. Students will be asked to take off costumes if present. 
    • Do not wear costumes to schools, students will  have time during the afternoon, prior to the parade to put on costumes. 
    • Parade begins at 2:00 p.m (weather permitting).
    •  Classroom parties begin at 2:30 p.m.
Quick Notes:
  • Conference Times were sent out last Wednesday, if you have not scheduled your conference or have not received your time, please contact me as soon as possible!
  • Here is a note from Mrs. Dassinger: 
Dear Grand Prairie Families,
We are very happy to announce that GP Elementary School will again be offering support groups for students experiencing difficult life circumstance related to grief, loss, and/or parental separation and divorce.  This year, instead of the Rainbows Program we will use a new program called G.L.a.D.S. (which stands for Grief, Loss, and Divorce, Separation) which we developed after thorough consideration of our students’ and families’ needs.
If your child has experienced the death of a loved-one or is adjusting to a separation or divorce, they may want to participate in our G.L.a.D.S. program to share with other children and sensitive, trained Grand Prairie staff facilitating the group.  Furthermore, the group will provide your child with a safe place to share his or her feelings and to receive support from other children who experience similar circumstances.
For more detailed information and to register your child(ren), please refer to the program flyer that was sent home. Additional flyers can be found at the GP office or requested through your child’s teacher.
For any other questions, please contact Bianca Dassinger, our school social worker.
Thank you!
I am going to leave you with some fun pictures of our Voting Unit and Halloween writing projects  we completed a little over a week ago. Enjoy!

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