We are back in action! My sincerest apologies for not staying on top of our classroom blog. We have been up to so much fun and I we have so much yet ahead. I will be sure to keep everyone posted on our fun happenings! Thanks for your patience!! :)
- In Shared Reading, we have been working hard reading a variety of fiction and non-fiction penguins books. With these books we have had a main focus on author's purpose, main idea, nd fact and opinion. Students have had a blast certainly working on Fact and Opinion. We have had had many lively debates about whether Barbie is the best toy or power wheels, and determining that those are opinions.
- In Writing, we have been working very hard on informational writing. Last week, we completed an informational writing piece on firefighters based on our own background knowledge. We put together a one paragraph informational piece about firefighters using a topic sentence, three facts with details, and a concluding sentence. Students did such a great job with this that we will be creating a classroom book using these pieces that will available for viewing at our upcoming parent teacher conference. This week, we have begun a new informational writing piece about penguins. Students this week have been using a variety of resources to gather information about penguins such as internet articles, books, and magazines. Students have been phenomenal researchers. :)
- In Handwriting, we have been working very hard on developing our cursive. Students have so far learned the lower case letters, i, t, u, w, v, j, p, r, s, c, and a. Students have also begun joining the lower case letters they have learned to form words such as circus, sit, pit, suit, and etc. Please ensure students are also practicing at home to improve their stroke.
- In Math, we are working on understanding numbers up to the 1,000. In the coming days we will be learning how to add and subtract with and without regrouping up to three digits numbers.
- In Social Studies, we have been working hard learning about many different historical black figures. Some of the individuals we have learned about are Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, and Ruby Bridges. We have had many discussions about how it is ok to be different, the importance of standing for what you believe in, and the importance of the individuals roles in our lives today.
- Field Trip: If you have not already turned in your field trip money please remember to do so this week! I will be turning in the money to the office this Friday.
- Spring Conferences: Conference notes will be going home today. Please return them as soon as possible in order to get the time that best fits your schedule. Conferences will be held the week of March 17th.
- Third Quarter: Third quarter has been extended due to the many extreme weather days. Our new end of the quarter date is March 14th, which in turn means report cards will now go home on the 18th of March.
- Supplies: At this time of the year supplies tend to run very low. Please ask your child about supplies they are needing. In most cases, students have run out of pencils,white board markers, glue, crayons and markers. Thank you!
- Class Reward: We have earned a class reward! Students will be allowed to wear a hat to school tomorrow during the school day! Yipee!
- Valentine's Day: We will be having our Valentine's Day parties this Friday. Students may bring in pre-made Valentine's Day boxes or bags, otherwise, one will be provided for your student. Also, if possible wear red, pink, or purple. :)
- Six Flags Reading Logs: Six Flag's reading logs are due this Friday, February 14th! That is the final day, late reading logs WILL NOT be accepted after this date.
- P.T.O. Cape Awards: A green sheet for nominating individuals in the school for P.T.O. awards were sent home last week. These nominations are due February 21st.
- Events:
- President's Day No School- February 17th
- Young Readers Club- February 18th
- Fun Fair- February 22nd
- Thank you to the many parents who were willing to volunteer their time for our upcoming fieldtrip. I have randomly selected the parents who will be attending and I will be notifying you today. If you were not selected, no worries, we have two more fieldtrips planned in April and May, which will also require chaperones. Thank you again!!
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