Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Classroom Snapshot

Hi Families! I hope everyone had a long and restful weekend. Last week we had a lot of fun things happening. Take a quick peek at some of the work we did.

 Shared Reading
we read The Remarkable Adaptable Turtle, this text was an informational non-fiction text. In this book, the students learned all the ways that turtles adapt to the enviornment around them. (Ask you second grader what adapt means.) In addition, we focused on the comprehension strategy of summarizing, main idea, and supportive details.
We read a cute book called, My Dog is as Smelly as Dirty Socks. Students enjoyed reading this silly story of a little girl's description of her family using only similies ( a figure of speech, which uses like or as to compare to unlike objects). Students enjoyes so this book so much that we decided to create our own classroom book, where we described ourselves using only similies.
we finished topic two and our focus on addition strategies, and we have begun topic 3 focusing on subtraction strategies.
Social Studies
We continued our focus on communities.

This Week:

  • Book Fair- We attended the book fair as a class today, Tuesday, October 15th ; however, we the book fair is open through Friday.
  • Field Trip-We will be taking a walking field trip to the fire station this Thursday!Please, turn in the field trip slip as soon as possible so that your child may attend.
  • Professional Development- This Wednesday, I will be out of the building for a planning committee to train staff on a piece of the new Math Common Core. I will see your kiddos on Thursday
  • CogAT- Thank you families for being very flexible as we experienced many technological glitches with our online assessment system for cogAT testing.We will be picking up testing the week of October 21st- November 1st.
  • Be on the look out for Conference Schedules! They will be sent out this Thursday. I will do my best to accomodate families with their first and second time choices; however, with 31 students scheduling may be very dificult. Please, be as flexible and patient as possible as we schedule this years fall conferences.
  • Wednesday, C day, students will have a healthy health class; therefore, please make sure your child has gym shoes to wear the p.e. tomorrow!

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